[caption id="attachment_48174" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Denise pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus denise) Location : Lembeh, Mana...
[caption id="attachment_47726" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Schooling Jacks - Carangoides spp.. found refuge in man-made struc...
[caption id="attachment_47495" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Olympus EM1, 60mm, Nauticam, 2xSS YSD2, 2xATG 2500 lights f 5...
[caption id="attachment_47283" align="aligncenter" width="467"] Phyllodesmium sp.2 / or Tenellia sp. (formerly Cuthona sp. 60, NSS...
[caption id="attachment_47089" align="aligncenter" width="525"] I N F L A T A B L E Nudibranch (Eubranchus ocellatus) Location: Tu...
众所周知水下拍摄出片率非常之低,特别是对潜水一窍不通的小白,但是再难的事也抑制不住我们看到美照想要去尝试一把的冲动。好,现在提供一些自己总结出的装备选择以及拍摄技巧~~ NO.1装备选择 水下拍照,两种方式可选,手头上有单反或者微单的加防水袋or防水...
[caption id="attachment_46984" align="aligncenter" width="525"] Sometimes I just think they are happy to see me Oly EM1, 60mm, SMC...
2017年水下世界摄影大奖揭晓,原本就很神秘的海底世界,因为摄影师奇特的构思和超强拍摄技术的加持,变得更加的令人神往。这是摄影师 Nick Blake 在墨西哥的Kukulkan Cenote水域拍摄到的照片,Nick直接放弃了额外的灯光而将自己“隐藏在”昏暗...
[caption id="attachment_46753" align="aligncenter" width="700"] S M O O C H Thornback Cowfish (Lactoria fornasini) Location: Tulam...
[caption id="attachment_46560" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Eubranchus, anilao Philippines tg4 camera and hand torch iso 100 1...
[caption id="attachment_46560" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Eubranchus, anil...